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13 March 2015

Greg's Titling Analysis: The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo

 The titling sequence starts in a dark room with an old man opening a mysterious package. in the package, is a picture of some kind of plant, and he discovers it was sent from Hong Kong. The picture clearly has some meaning to him, though we don't know what. We know this because he starts crying.
 The next shot is a picture of a woman, and we assume the package was related to this woman. We don't know who this woman is or her relation to the old man, but we do know it must be a close relationship, like family
 The title, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, appears over the picture. Because it is the title, we assume she is an important part to the plot, maybe even the main charater
We then cut to this shot as the title fades out. It is of a female with a hood on walking down a street. We think that maybe it is the same girl we saw in the picture. Whoever she is, she certainly doesn't want to be recognised


  1. Greg - you need to follow the instructions on the my blog. You need to analyse the tile and credits - you haven't actually done this. level one.

  2. Simeon, keegan - where are your title analysis?
