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23 March 2015

Greg's Evaluation: Q2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?  

Our main characters, Jake and Kyle, are both in their late teens (17 years old). Stereotypically, teenager are portrayed as rebellious, rude and loud. We decided that instead of showing these stereotypes, we should challenge the stereotypes.

We made Kyle a guy who is kind and comforting. We show this when Kyle comes over and says 'Well, you said you wanted help moving'. This line tells that Jake didn't 'need' help moving, but instead 'wanted' help, meaning Kyle didn't have to help. But Kyle does, because he is a nice guy and cherishes his friendship with Jake.

Jake has been through a traumatic experience (witnessing his fathers murder), which, through our use of props (the clock) and sound (the audio of the murder), makes the audience feels sorry for him.

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