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02 February 2015

Simeon's Story Idea (being used)

Best Served Cold

Plot (the opening):

Seventeen year old Jake Mcgratten lives alone with his mother, Sarah Silverman, after the death of his late father, Jim Mcgratten. Jake and his mother are now moving house.
Jake texts his close friend Kyle to come over and help with the moving. When Kyle gets there Sarah phones Jake that she and Kyle's Mum will be back home soon, and she asks that the boys go to the loft to sort out the heavy boxes from the light ones and bring the heavy ones down. They make their way up the loft stairs and then begin to sort out the boxes as they had been told. In the midst of all the moving, Jake moves a dusty, old heavy box and wipes the dust off a label which says: "Do not open". Out of curiosity Jake opens this box with his Stanley-knife, and upon opening it he stumbles across an old tattered newspaper, wrapped neatly in a black ribbon. As he reads the main article on the front page it is about his fathers death. He lifts the paper up to inspect it further, when from inside falls out a watch, his father's watch. Jim had worn this on the day of his death and Jake remembers his father well while looking at it, (flashback audio of child laughing and dad playing with child, followed by gun shots and screaming). Kyle attempts to get Jake's attention, which brings Jake back to reality, and then Kyle then asks what he found.
Jake's mother shouts from downstairs for them both to come down for the pizza. So Jake quickly slips the watch into his pocket and stuffs the newspaper down his jacket, following Kyle back down the stairs. As they make their way down the staircase, Jake brings out the watch once more and tells Kyle he will find the killer

The continuation (not included in the opening):

The rest of the story involves Jake and Kyle going on a man-hunt after Jim's killer, and as they find out more stuff about his father, this tests not only their will to carry on with this dangerous adventure, but also tests their friendship.

By Sim

1 comment:

  1. Good.

    My obvious questions are as follows.

    1. Do you have access to a safe loft? You will have to consider how this will be lit. H & S is quite a big deal and ensure that you have permission to use the loft space.
    2. Do you have watch
    3. The newspaper needs to be made this week - it is a key prop for the filming. You will need (Keegan? - he does Photography i think) to create this. Find an old newspaper front page - import into Photoshop and alter one of the headlines and text, if you choose to use this. You also need to do research into how you age this paper - it can't look new. You tube will have tutorials.

    Don't include the Mother (Sarah) or you have to find a third actor.
    The flashback - by making this audio, as you suggest, you get around the difficulties of it being in the past. You could perhaps do a death shot of the father dying and by using filters, you can give it an aged quality. If you want to do that, discuss with technicians.

    Start to storyboard carefully, but you can't film until you have a permission (on video) for the loft space, a suitable newspaper prop - aged and manipulated.
