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27 February 2015

Personal Objectives

Personal Objectives (27/2/15)

Simeon-Anamatic W/Commentary

Keegan- make a risk assessment list of everything dangerous in the house (including loft)

Greg-Start editing footage (including the ones we may redo) into the timeline

12 February 2015

Lighting experiment

 This is our lighting experiment. We experimented with low-key lighting in a dark area, to create enigma in something as simple as looking in a mirror.
To create this effect, we used an LED light with an orange gel over the light. We directed this light onto the wall in front of the subject. Behind the subject, we used another white light reflected off a mirror to show the back of his character, so we can see him better

06 February 2015

The Props (what exactly they are) #gettingready

The Pizza box could be bought from Dominos and could actually be eaten on set after filing!
So the box would indeed need to be straight from Dominos with the fresh, hot pizza inside.

The shopping bags must be plastic, and we can fill them with random junk to add the the perception that the mother (Sarah) has just bought things from the local shop or superstore.

The Torches! Heavy Duty torches or if we cant gain access to any of these we will have to result to average torches. The torches could be used to light up boxes in the loft as well as the loft itself.

Stanley-knife: So we've had a think about what Jake would need to open the box that contains the watch & newspaper, and a Stanley-knife seems the most realistic option for the job. So we'll be using my old grey Stanley-knife as the prop.

Speakers: Using Keegan's portable speakers

We can just use home landline phone that the house (wherever we film) has.

Now the boxes seems to be the real problem. We will need to find lots and lots of boxes, but only one will need to have items in (which will have the newspaper on top). We can probably use the boxes that are scattered around the house on the ground floor in other shots like for example the shot of Jake & Kyle walking on the second floor and up the stairs, we could actually use these boxes again in the loft scene. We will probably need around 10 to 15 boxes of varied size but relatively large.

04 February 2015

Our Thriller's Storyboard

Our Thriller's Storyboard (Anamatic)


Shot 1-POV shot of Kyle looking at picture of house on phone, Phone drops to show the house in front of him

Shot 2-starts as a MCU of Kyle walking to the door, ends as a long shot of him at the door

Shot 3-Close up of Kyle opening the door and looking in. In this shot he says 'Hello? Your door was open

Shot 3-Long shot of Jake moving towards camera, ends as MLS. He says 'Kyle. Glad you could make it'

Shot 4-Medium shot of Kyle, then Jake comes into frame at medium close up range and the both move left out the frame

Shot 5-Medium shot of both of them talking. Jake on the left, Kyle on the right. Shot ends when the phone rings

Shot 6-MCU of Jake talking on the phone. Shot ends when Jake says 'see you then'

Shot 7-Shot 5 again, shot ends when they start moving away

Shot 8-Low angle LS of both of them looking at the loft

Shot 9-Same shot as shot 8, but Kyle is now going up the ladder.

Shot 10-Very angle of Kyle turning on the light in the loft

Shot 11-Eye level close up of Jake climbing the ladder

Shot 12-Two shot of Kyle waiting as Jake climbs up the ladder.

Shot 13-Closer two shot of Kyle and Jake planning what they are going to do

Shot 14-Medium shot of Kyle crouching, looking at boxes

Shot 15-POV shot of Jake moving a box to reveal another box

Shot 16-Very low angle medium shot of Jake looking at boxes. Shot ends when Jake says 'Looks like it hasn't been opened in ages'.

Shot 17-POV shot similar to 15 of Jake opening the box

Shot 18-BCU of Jake looking in the box

Shot 19-POV shot similar to 17 and 15 of Jake picking up a clock

Shot 20-BCU zooming into an ECU of Jake looking at the clock. Shot ends when Kyle says 'OI!'

Shot 21-High angle OTS shot of Kyle

Shot 22-Similar shot to 22 but looking at Jake

Shot 23-Medium shot of Kyle moving over to look in the box. Shot ends when they look up when hearing a foley of a door opening and closing

Shot 24-Two shot from behind Kyle and Jake and they're talking. Shot ends when Kyle says 'C'mon, we got pizza.' 

Shot 25-low angle MLS of them going down the stairs. Shot ends when Jake puts hand on |Kyle's shoulder

Shot 26-'Low angle Close up of Jake saying 'I wanna find the man who killed my father'

Thriller Props

Possible Props
  • 3 Smart Phones (for Jake, Kyle & Sarah)
  • CD case (Kyle gives to Jake)
  • Speakers to plug smart phone into (Jake's)
  • Landline phone (for Jake to answer Sarah's call)
  • Stanley-knife (for Jake to open box)
  • Pizza Box (for Sarah to hold once inside house)
  • Shopping bags (for Sarah to hold in both shots)
  • Table for Stanley-knife to be picked up off from (by Jake)
  • 2 Torches (one each for Jake and Kyle)
  • Boxes (scattered around the house and piled up in the loft)
  • Newspaper (to show information on Jim)
  • Watch (Jim's watch which triggers Jake's memory)
Newspaper will need to be edited in post-production to show Jim's death and headlines on front page (article in words but could also include a possible picture)

03 February 2015

Our Thriller's Dialogue

Best Served Cold (Dialogue)

Kyle - Hello? Anyone there?
Jake - Hey mate (Kyle jumps), glad you could come!
Kyle - Well I had to bring back your CD.
Jake - Nah keep it, I downloaded all the songs.
Kyle - Put it on your speakers, why not.
*Both make their way to the Living Room*
Kyle - How many boxes you got left to bring down?
Jake - This was the last from my room.
Kyle - Are there any boxes...
*Phone rings and Jake picks up the phone* 
Jake - Mate turn it down. (Kyle complies) Hello? Hey mum. *pause* Alright then, we can start doing that. How long will you be? *pause*OK then, bye. That was mum, she wants us to sort the boxes in the loft into light and heavy ones. She's coming back in 5 minutes with pizza.
Kyle - Sounds good. Where is the loft?
Jake - Upstairs
Kyle - Oh yeah, course.
*Jake takes a Stanley-knife and torch off table and follows Kyle, who also picked up a torch and some tape. Both make their way towards loft*
*Kyle makes his way into the loft with tape and calls out to Jake*
Kyle - Pass us a torch?
Jake - there's a light on your right
*lights come on. Jake makes his way into the loft, pockets the knife.
Kyle - Okay you sort the heavy ones that side and I'll do the same my side.
*Boys lift boxes over the other boxes. Jake finds mysterious box!, named 13.11.08, the date of his father's murder*
Kyle - Hey! what you got over there?
Jake - Not sure, looks like it hasn't been opened in years.
*Jake opens the box*
*Flashback audio while in camera slowly zooms in. We hear a gunshot and a younger Jake screaming*
*Kyle tries to get Jake's attention*
Kyle - Jake! Jake! Oi! (clicks fingers) What's all this?
Jake - This is about my father (gesturing towards newspaper), and this must've been his watch (turning over the watch)
*They hear the front door open then close* That's mum. *turns to hatch* We'll be out in a sec. *towards Kyle*. I wonder who actually killed my dad. We never found out
Kyle - Yeah but there's not much we can do is there. C'mon, we got pizza.
*Both make their way out the garage*
Jake - Kyle, I wanna find the man who killed my father, I can't get closure until I know there's been justice.

Greg's Story Idea

 Greg's Story Idea: The Entertainer

Outline: There is serial killer on the loose, who takes people hostage, and tries to entertain them. Every time he thinks they aren't enjoying his company (which is every time), he will kill them, sometimes brutally. The police call in Detective Finch Young, a detective who soon realises he knew the killer when he was a kid. He has flashback to when he was young and when he and The Entertainer were best friends. One day The Entertainer, who we find is called Bill Williams, killed a cat when with Finch. This ended their friendship. Finch gets an idea where The Entertainer will go next, and he tells the police about it and decides they should raid it ASAP. However, The Entertainer finds Finch and Katie Loworth, who he met at the police station, and kidnaps them. after an attempt to entertain them, he kills Katie, and almost shoots Finch, but the police get there first and kill him.

Opening: The story opens with The Entertainer trying to entertain Finch and Katie. After realising that they aren't enjoying his performance, he rants about how hard he tries and how they give nothing back. Through this rant we see his insanity. He takes a blunt weapon and beats Katie to death. He then attacks Finch's lower half, forces him up, takes a gun and tells him he has ten seconds to get out my sight. Finch hobbles away as The Entertainer counts from ten. from five, the last shot will be a close up of the side of his face, panning to the gun. The sequence will end when he says one and we see his finger touch the trigger. A gunshot will echo into the next scene.

02 February 2015

Simeon's Story Idea (being used)

Best Served Cold

Plot (the opening):

Seventeen year old Jake Mcgratten lives alone with his mother, Sarah Silverman, after the death of his late father, Jim Mcgratten. Jake and his mother are now moving house.
Jake texts his close friend Kyle to come over and help with the moving. When Kyle gets there Sarah phones Jake that she and Kyle's Mum will be back home soon, and she asks that the boys go to the loft to sort out the heavy boxes from the light ones and bring the heavy ones down. They make their way up the loft stairs and then begin to sort out the boxes as they had been told. In the midst of all the moving, Jake moves a dusty, old heavy box and wipes the dust off a label which says: "Do not open". Out of curiosity Jake opens this box with his Stanley-knife, and upon opening it he stumbles across an old tattered newspaper, wrapped neatly in a black ribbon. As he reads the main article on the front page it is about his fathers death. He lifts the paper up to inspect it further, when from inside falls out a watch, his father's watch. Jim had worn this on the day of his death and Jake remembers his father well while looking at it, (flashback audio of child laughing and dad playing with child, followed by gun shots and screaming). Kyle attempts to get Jake's attention, which brings Jake back to reality, and then Kyle then asks what he found.
Jake's mother shouts from downstairs for them both to come down for the pizza. So Jake quickly slips the watch into his pocket and stuffs the newspaper down his jacket, following Kyle back down the stairs. As they make their way down the staircase, Jake brings out the watch once more and tells Kyle he will find the killer

The continuation (not included in the opening):

The rest of the story involves Jake and Kyle going on a man-hunt after Jim's killer, and as they find out more stuff about his father, this tests not only their will to carry on with this dangerous adventure, but also tests their friendship.

By Sim