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26 April 2015

Simeon's Evaluation Q7

Looking Back At Your Preliminary Task, What Do You Feel You Have Learned In The Progression From It To The Full Product?

During our preliminary task we were all very new to new camera work and to editing. The main thing I learnt working with the cameras was how to get the right white balance, as this had been a big problem because we thought we could get away with having it the same through all our shots indoors. As we later found out lighting can differ inside so we had to adapt our white balance very often.

In both projects we had to do continuity editing because did some shots and retakes of scenes on different days. In our preliminary you can see that we didn't check where our errors were, but by the time we progressed to our thriller opening we were checking all over for errors in white balance, clothing and overall lighting.

Furthermore as we spent more time on the thriller project we began to utilise our time effectively and during our first editing session where we gathered all our clips and put them roughly into a timeline, we found areas to improve on and as a team we managed to find ways in which we could tweak these to perfection.

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