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27 January 2015

Greg's Thriller Analysis (Kill Bill)

Greg's Analysis

Kill Bill

The film starts with this Uma Thurman's character laying on the floor, clear badly injured. The film is in black and white,which tells us this may be a flashback. The only sound we get here is her frantic breathing,which makes it clearer to us she's in pain. We see from this shot she is wearing a wedding dress. This makes the audience ask 2 questions: What happened to her and why is she wearing a wedding dress?
 We get a sound bridge to the next shot. We hear footsteps coming towards Uma's character, and we then cut to someones feet, and we see he/she is walking towards her (judging from the shoes, we think it's a male).

His first lines confirm that he is a male. He says 'Do you find me sadistic?', which tells us he did this to her. He then pulls out a cloth a wipes most of the blood off her face. On the cloth is a name: Bill. We know the man's name, but we haven't seen his face, and we've seen the woman's face, but not her name.

Bill then backs away from her, and we hear a gun cocked off-screen. At the same time, her eyes widen, which tells us the gun is pointed at her. At this point we ask the questions 'Why does he want to kill her?'. I also start to believe that Bill is the groom

Before she is shot in the head, we hear her say her only lines: 'Bill, it's your baby'. This raises a lot more questions about her, like 'What is her relationship with Bill?' Immediately afterwards, she is shot, and the wedding veil blows away. The wedding veil being blown away at the same time indicates that their relationship and marriage is over

Just as we hear the gunshot, we cut to a the opening credits, with the bang still echoing. This may be what Uma's Character. As the opening credits roll,we get a non-diegetic soundtrack, which is very slow, sad and the lyrics refer to an old relationship that has ended. We then fade out to a shot of the silhouette  of someone lying on a bed. Judging from what we have already seen, we assume it is Uma's character, who is either dead or in a coma

1 comment:

  1. again, terminology - diegetic sound, close up of shoe only - why? Close up allows us to see name BILL - why? make up on face - blood, bruising etc. Parallel soundtrack.
