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29 January 2015

Simeon's Thriller Analysis (Inception)

Simeon's Analysis


The opening to this film features crashing waves which are captured by a tracking shot, followed by a Big Close-up of Dominick Cobb's (the beached man) which shows him wearing old battered clothing with cuts on his face in addition to his messed up hair. The scene cuts between 2 shots, the one where he is beached and tilting his head and the other of children playing on a beach. He looks up and sees the children in the next shot (in his head) which is an example of an eye-line match. This presents the idea that he is having a flash back to these children he recognises, possibly his own, as he is in such a state where the first thing on his mind is to think of how his children are before himself.

After Dominick slumps his head back into the sand, we see a gun prodding into his back. This was taken at a high angle and shows his lack of power in this scene, as we here later in the dialogue that he is delusional. The shot of the gun is cut suddenly to reveal the soldier holding the gun, it is taken at a low angle of the soldier holding the gun providing another eye-line match, which further shows the power he holds over Dominick.
Towards the end of the opening, their is a slow track-in shot of a spinning top, this duelled with the dialogue of the old man gives suspense to the whole mood, the ambient sound rises with the old mans final words. This also raises the question of does Dominick recognise the character who is being spoken of?

28 January 2015

Simeon's Thriller Analysis (Face Off)

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Simeon's Thriller Analysis (The Silence of the lambs)

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Simeon's Thriller Analysis (Drive)

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Simeon's Thriller Analysis (The Usual Suspects)

Simeon's Analysis
The Usual Suspects
In the first scene a man is sitting up against some boxes, and drops some lighted matches upon a trail of what seems to be flammable liquid. The camera tracks the trail of fire at eye-level to the flames giving us a sense of engagement. As the trail continues to flow along, bodies of men are illuminated, this creates suspense within the audience and makes us ask ourselves what happened.
The low lighting on the décor of the scene illustrates a dark mood and creates eeriness. The shot below is of the man named Kaiser who is about to take the life of the man slouching on the ground, further more the man on the ground know more then we do about this man as he states his name creating even more suspense. This makes the spectators ask questions such as 'Who is this dominant character? and will we see more of him?'
As the music heightens and the flames near what seem to be explosives, we are revealed the silhouette of Kaiser, but still we are denied his face. This builds emphasis on the secrecy we see developing on this character.
Finally the dramatic ending of this scene which ends with a flames bursting forth into the air is followed by a dissolve shot with three men all within the frame. The centre of focus is shown on a man with bright lighting shone onto his face, and the other two men have their backs to the audience, their outlined in black so we cannot identify them. This suggests a confession is being made and the décor further suggests that this is police business, indicating that the things may revolve around flashbacks which as the film progress', will give us more information on the events that involve Kaiser.

Greg's Thriller Analysis (Usual Suspects)

Greg's Analysis

The Usual Suspects

In the opening of The Usual Suspects, we see a person light up a whole box of matches, smoke a cigarette and drop the matches onto a line of flammable liquid (probably petrol). We follow this chain of fire as it passes some dead bodies and we ask the question 'What has happened here?'. In this short sequence, I noticed that there is very little lighting and an absence of bright colours. The only light that we really see is from the fire.

At this point the fire is extinguished by Kaiser. He is wearing black clothes and his identity is unknown. This creates a lot of mystery around this character and makes us ask the question 'Who is he?' When the other guy says his name, I noticed the soundtrack increase in volume a little, which tells me that he is an important character. He doesn't say much either. His only lines are 'How are you doing, kid?', 'Ready?', and '12:30'

Just before Kaiser kills the guy, we cut away to outside the location (which we find out is on a ship). We hear two gunshots, and we ask the question 'Why was there two gunshots?' We know one of them was for the guy, but we don't know why he fired the other shot.

Afterwards we see him light the petrol again and the ship explodes. As we watch the fire chain go, we see more bodies and it intrigues us more. We don't see the ship in flames, but only the mushroom cloud left by the explosion.

We then get a dissolve to a brightly lit room with someone in the middle who says 'it all started 6 weeks ago...'. From this I know that the film will revolve around a flashback that shows us the events leading up to the ship

Greg's Thriller Analysis (The Conversation)

Greg's Analysis

The Conversation

This opening is very different to the other openings: This opening is a long take. It starts as an extreme long shot of this park or square with a monument in the middle. we are not given a name of the location, but we know from this shot that it is probably a big town or city. I say this because they don't put monuments that tall in villages. In this shot, the audience are wondering why start the film like this, and not like a normal film, and why this park is so significant.

We see the long shot start to zoom into the centre of the park, and we can see more of what's in the park. Because of the tall shadows, we can't see much of the right side of the park, so we are looking at the middle and left side. Because it is zooming into the middle of the park, we are wondering what is so important in the middle of the park that they want us to see.
On the left side is the most interesting thing in the park: The mime. The camera is still zooming in, but now it pans to the left, focusing us more on the mime. We now know that the focus isn't in the centre of the park, but in fact, this mime. We know are wondering why we are focused on this mime. What significance does he have to the story?

 At this point, the mime goes over to a man in a grey jacket and mimics him. He's been doing this a lot throughout the sequence, so we don't think about it too much. The man is wearing all grey, which is a symbol of mystery. The man then starts walking, and the mime follows him.
 While he is walking the Mime stops being the centre of attention, it's the man in grey who becomes the focus. We follow this man up the park until we cut to another shot. We don't see this man's face, so we don't know what he looks like until he turns around. The audience are now wondering why are we following this man now, and what significance does he have? This opening isn't suspenseful, but it does raise questions about some characters that need answering throughout the rest of the film.

Greg's Thriller Analysis (Se7en)

Greg's Analysis


The opening of Se7en is weird and discomforting. The camera shots go very quickly that you don't fully grasp what's going on instantly, which raises suspicion and suspense. We don't see this man's face, which The non-diegetic soundtrack in the background is the only sound we get. It's contains creaking sounds and other disconcerting sounds that add to the suspense. We also see an absence of bright and positive colours, which makes this sequence even more unnerving. The titles and subtitles throughout the sequence jump around the screen and come out of focus, which adds more to the disturbing, discomforting tone this opening is setting
 Sometimes there would be a shot that lasts longer, to show us certain images that may tell us something about this character and what he is doing. This image shows us someone's mutilated hands. This makes us ask the question 'What is this man doing with a picture of bent of broken hands?'
 We then see an extreme close up of a razor in his fingers. We see he isn't using the razor to cut his nails, but rather the skin on his fingers. This is a disturbing image and it makes us wonder why he is doing this to himself. At this point, I'm believing he is a psycho, possibly a serial killer.
 This is one of many shots of him crossing out certain words and phrases in a book. I think at this point, he is creating a cryptic message, but I'm only speculating. This makes us ask one overall question, which is 'What is he doing? In other shots he is writing something, but we don't know what. Because we don't know why he is doing this, it adds more suspicion to his character
 This shot shows us that he has crossed out someone's face. He may have done this because he may have killed him, which would make sense and tell us his is a murderer and a psycho. This picture also makes us ask the questions 'Who is he?' and 'Is he dead?'.
 This image confirms to us that he is serial killer. It shows a man with some sort of sharp object in the back of his skull. No normal person would file something like that, while also also cutting off the skin of his fingers. This image makes this character seen even more disturbing.
 This final also confirms something: What he is doing. In this extreme close up, he is binding his collection of papers into a book. This tells us that he is not filing these disturbing pictures and (probably) disturbing literature, but making it into a scrap book. Why he is doing this? We don't know, an the fact we don't know makes this character scarier. Overall this sequence tells us this character, who we don't see, is a disturbing serial killer who has made a scrapbook about what he has done.

Greg's Thriller Analysis (Bourne Ultimatum)

Greg's Analysis

The Bourne Ultimatum

 The film opens with Jason Bourne on the walking with some urgency, which makes us ask the question 'Why is he hurrying?'. The soundtrack in the background is quiet yet with a hight tempo, which give us a sense of urgency and action. We see from the way he is walking that he has a limp, probably from an injury. He is wearing all black, which adds a sense of mystery to him. He turns around when he hears sirens, which indicates to us that Bourne is on the run from the police, though we don't know yet if they are looking for him.
 We then find out that the police are on a manhunt for Bourne. We know this because we get a shot of a police car turning towards them, across traffic. We then ask ourselves a new question: 'why are the police chasing Bourne?'
After some more chasing through a train, we get an answer to the question, We get some subtitles of someone speaking through an intercom. She says 'Suspect from tunnel auto chase heading east from Kievsky Train Station'. We find out why Bourne is running from the police, and it's because he was involved in a car chase. From this, I also believe this almost immediately follows the events of the previous film, The Bourne Supremacy, which ended with a car chase that ended in a tunnel.
The soundtrack slows and quietens when Bourne escapes the police and enters a pharmacy, where we get a shot of him pulling out a gun and putting it in a sink, I assume, to clean it. We now get a new question: what has Bourne done with that gun?'
At this point, we hear a non-diegetic vacuum-like sound, which immediately led to a flashback. I know this is a flashback because there is an effect used on the film. The effect makes everything look brighter, increases the blurriness and also makes the visuals stop and start very quickly.This gives a sense that this is a flashback we don't fully understand. However, we do see enough to make conclusions. We believe that Bourne was forced into this 'programme'.
While this is happening, the police have found him again and they tell him 'put your hands up'. He doesn't turn around, but the police start to move closer. This increases suspense as we feel that when they get too close, Bourne will strike. The non-diegetic sound track is building up again to a crescendo.

27 January 2015

Greg's Thriller Analysis (Kill Bill)

Greg's Analysis

Kill Bill

The film starts with this Uma Thurman's character laying on the floor, clear badly injured. The film is in black and white,which tells us this may be a flashback. The only sound we get here is her frantic breathing,which makes it clearer to us she's in pain. We see from this shot she is wearing a wedding dress. This makes the audience ask 2 questions: What happened to her and why is she wearing a wedding dress?
 We get a sound bridge to the next shot. We hear footsteps coming towards Uma's character, and we then cut to someones feet, and we see he/she is walking towards her (judging from the shoes, we think it's a male).

His first lines confirm that he is a male. He says 'Do you find me sadistic?', which tells us he did this to her. He then pulls out a cloth a wipes most of the blood off her face. On the cloth is a name: Bill. We know the man's name, but we haven't seen his face, and we've seen the woman's face, but not her name.

Bill then backs away from her, and we hear a gun cocked off-screen. At the same time, her eyes widen, which tells us the gun is pointed at her. At this point we ask the questions 'Why does he want to kill her?'. I also start to believe that Bill is the groom

Before she is shot in the head, we hear her say her only lines: 'Bill, it's your baby'. This raises a lot more questions about her, like 'What is her relationship with Bill?' Immediately afterwards, she is shot, and the wedding veil blows away. The wedding veil being blown away at the same time indicates that their relationship and marriage is over

Just as we hear the gunshot, we cut to a the opening credits, with the bang still echoing. This may be what Uma's Character. As the opening credits roll,we get a non-diegetic soundtrack, which is very slow, sad and the lyrics refer to an old relationship that has ended. We then fade out to a shot of the silhouette  of someone lying on a bed. Judging from what we have already seen, we assume it is Uma's character, who is either dead or in a coma

23 January 2015

Greg's Thriller Analysis (Dragon Tattoo)

Greg's Analysis

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

From this screenshot of the girl (the first shot we see of her), we (the spectators) are positioned behind her, and she is wearing a hood over head, so we can't see her. So the first question we ask is 'who is she?'. Also, it is clear that she is walking in the dark, that with the dark clothes and the way she keeps her head down, I am getting a sense that she is the antagonist with a dark secret. The next question I have about her is, 'why is she being so secretive?'.

This makes this an effective thriller opening because it raises questions that will probably be answered during the rest of the film.

Another way I know this is a thriller opening is because of the colours we see. There are only very dark colours and the lights don't illuminate as much as a light normally would. This adds a sense of mystery and suspense to the sequence, and also makes us ask the question 'where is she?'.

In this shot, we see she is walking down a tunnel, where there is no one else. This also tells me she is being secretive because she isn't using main roads

In this shot, there is a very small depth of field used. The focus is on the person second closest to us. I think this gives us a clue that this is the same person we've been following, and we still can't see her face.

20 January 2015

Simeon's Thriller Analysis (The girl with the dragon tattoo)

Simeon's Thriller Analysis

The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo

The man in the beginning shots is shown to be in a state of dread. As shown in the screenshot above cautiously opening the package and his facial expression is that of expecting something important. The elderly man then whimpers to himself as he looks at the picture in the package and the photograph of the girl, suggesting he is a relative of her and that the news about her is bad.

From the screenshot below we see the girl walking down a path, and we are positioned behind her. We cannot see her face, and this coupled with the dark clothing she is wearing (a
hoodie creating the sense that she is in disguise but hiding from what?) creates the enigma of secrecy, and this builds up an image about her character which will be disclosed to us as the film progress'. This all fits together to create an engaging thriller opening.
The lighting used as the girl walks through the tunnel is not as bright as you would expect an happy atmosphere to feel, the low dim lighting therefore suggests mystery to the scene. This next shot focus' on what seems to be the same girl the spectators were tracking earlier, the small depth of field combined with her us still not able to see her face fully enhances the suspense on the question 'What has this girl got to hide?'.

16 January 2015

Errors of the Sequence

Sequence Errors

The main errors of our sequence are continuity errors. The first one we see is when Keegan and Greg are staring each other down in front of the door. In the door window we see a computer turned on. When we enter the room, the computer changes to a blue board.


Another continuity error is one of costume. When Keegan sits, he has a black T-shirt, in the next shot, a white hoodie. In the same shot, everybody's position suddenly changes. Also, Simeon's hoodie changes between zipped and unzipped.



  Our sequence revolves around a game of Double 6, so the main prop we we will need is a a pair of dice.

We will also need some money for Simeon to shuffle in a shot, because the game is for money, as shown when Keegan says 'I'm here for the money'